In the past twenty years, the world of property management has changed but oftentimes, the way in which property management companies manage, has not. There are plenty of companies that are still run by the same executives and they continue to live off of the management style of the 1980’s. To put it bluntly, the use of modern day technology and apps is mostly non-existent and as a company, we’re changing that.

At many of the new building interviews that we attend there is one common theme; the Board feels out of the loop and there is a complete lack of transparency in their current situation. At EBMG, we’re managing your properties, but we’re also the custodian of your records at the present time. It’s our take on this issue that each client should have complete and open access to their documents at any given moment. That’s where the cloud comes into play.

Utilizing various cloud-based services (such as Dropbox), we’re hooking the Board into our workflow. They’ll get to see the documents that we’re working on during our day-to-day management and in the course of a normal week, they’ll watch as we build-out their online catalogue with additional documents. If there are alerts on the desktop of those Board members, they will see a pop-up each time that we update a file as well.

The items that we’re routinely filing away are monthly reports (financials and paid bills), contracts, requests for proposals, proposals, letters to and from management, minutes, agenda, meeting packages, building-wide correspondence, employee memos and more. With each Board member having this at their fingertips, we’re operating in a world in which no one is left in the dark and nothing is hidden.

The benefit of operating a cloud-based, invite only system is that once a Board member has resigned or is replaced on the Board, we can cancel their particular access and allow their replacement to have a front-row seat to the past and present day operations of their building. The learning curve can be shortened and each member can have the ability to become an expert in their building’s history.

All Board members that are presently in the workforce have an expectation of technology assisting their day-to-day experience. As a property management company in the best city in the world, the least that we can do is match your work experience at home.

If you want to learn more about this or anything else, please contact Mark Levine at [email protected]