In New York City residential buildings, Local Law 75 of 2011 dealt with the replacement of Carbon Monoxide Detectors in multi-family buildings. On April 1, 2014 the law was amended to also include the oversight of replacement of Smoke Detectors at the end of their useful life, ensuring that all apartments were protected.
In Cooperatives, the Corporation is responsible for the installation and filing of the detectors (click here for the PDF of filing forms) and in Condominiums the Board is responsible for filing for the building as a whole, even though the unit owners may be responsible for their installs.
Every Smoke Detector installed after April 1, 2014 must be replaced when it hits its useful life, between 5 and 7 years. For those smoke detectors installed before April 1, 2014, they must be replaced no later than April 1, 2021 (7 years after the law took effect).
The buildings are allowed to pass along a cost of $25 for the smoke detector and $50 for a combination Smoke/CO detector, allowing a year for the resident to pay it off after the date of the installation.
If you have any questions on these new regulations, feel free to send Mark Levine, of Excel Bradshaw Management Group, LLC an e-mail or call directly at 212-502-7048 x.201.