We're a boutique New York City property management firm overseeing the operations of over 100 cooperative, condominium, & rental buildings.

Built For Today's Generation of Board Members & Owners

Cooperative Clients

EBMG will work for the Board of Directors to ensure all objectives are met, preventative maintenance is scheduled, oversight of employees and any shareholder issues are tended to quickly. Our transfers department oversees all transfers, sublease applications and refinance applications pursuant to the conditions set forth by the Board of Directors.

Condominium Clients

EBMG ensures that the Condo is operating correctly within the budgetary and operational framework provided by the Board of Managers. EBMG will ensure that all city, state and federal rules and laws are complied with and that all Unit Owners are responded to on all emergency and non-emergency issues.

Rental Building Clients

EBMG will facilitate renting out all vacant apartments and work with the owner to maximize rents while minimizing expenses, ensuring that all avenues of reimbursement and increases in rent are explored and instituted.

For All Buildings

EBMG utilizes its vast portfolio to negotiate down pricing of all building-related expenses including supplies, energy procurement, insurance and consultants for various areas of the building.

About EBMG

With NYC roots, EBMG brings 25+ years of property management experience to our clients. Our Boutique team understands that service is speed & that the properties we manage need careful attention to maximizing efficiency. This is why we assign a company principal to each building, making sure each building gets personalized care with a direct line to our company leadership.


We’re utilizing technology to keep all of our clients informed and in the loop with regards to their records and reports. With a completely transparent workflow, your information is always available.


With three offices in the NYC area and over 150 buildings under our management, a property manager is never more than 30 minutes away in the case of an emergency.


Our firm is available 24/7 in the case of emergencies or for routine requests. After-hours, a live operator is always on-hand to deliver the message to the appropriate party.


Every account within our firm has a dedicated property manager that will directly interface with the Board and the residents. Contact information for the manager will be available to all.

Long Island Office

369 Willis Avenue Mineola, NY 11501

P: 516-333-7730
F: 516-333-6182

Manhattan Office

79 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016

P: 212-335-2723

Brooklyn Office

501 Surf Avenue Management Office Brooklyn, NY 11224

P: 718-266-1110

Florida Office

P: 561-774-8160

Updates & Insights




Focused on managing communities in the New York City metropolitan area.